Sit with It: in Silence we Trust

One silent afternoon at the Lake of Sainte-Croix, France Photo by Carmen Terzian

Lately, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery that has led me to appreciate the power of silence in our lives and interactions with others. Amidst the bustling world, I felt overwhelmed by a growing crowd of voices that seemed to fill my mind. At one point, I feared I was on the brink of an anxiety attack. The noise was deafening, and I needed a lifeline to pull me back from the edge. In that moment of desperation, a simple idea took root in my mind: What if I just embraced the silence?

Seated with eyes closed, I focused on my breath, embracing the imperfections of the moment. With each inhale and exhale, I could feel the noise subsiding, like waves gently surrendering to the shore. The more I allowed myself to be still, the clearer the world around me became. In this revelation, I understood the transformative power of silence, often overlooked in our fast-paced, noisy world. 

As I reflected on this personal experiment, my thoughts naturally drifted to the role of silence in dialogue. While dialogue encourages us to actively engage and contribute with open and honest communication, this is only effective if rooted in the capacity to listen and observe what happens within and outside of us in order to show up authentically in the relationship with others. Silence is therefore a crucial step in the process of finding clarity and understanding: it slows us down from the tendency to rush into words and answers, making us take a step back, ponder questions, and remain receptive to different perspectives.

Silence, I’ve learned, is the bridge to effective communication.  In a world that elevates speech, I invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and find a comfortable seat in silence.  

- Carmen Terzian


The Interconnectedness of Deliberate Dialogue and Communities of Practice