WBCSD Food & Nature Science-to-Policy Dialogues

Online dialogues

September 2020-March 2021

  • The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) through the Food & Nature Policy and Advocacy team, and Convene, co-designed and co-curated a series of Science-to-Solutions Dialogues.

  • Over the course of two dialogues, dialoguers engaged in brave conversation aimed at tackling some of the world’s knottiest challenges, bringing together business, science, civil society and farmer representatives.

    The first dialogue, titled “Production and Equity” addressed the knotty challenges of 1) Enabling transformational shifts in food value chain practices towards more sustainable agricultural systems, (2) Ensuring more equitable value distribution and decision-making in food value chains and (3) Financing the transition to safe, nutritious, affordable and sustainable food production while ensuring a global, rules-based and fair trading system.

    The second dialogue, “Science to policy dialogue for a food and agriculture policy roadmap” dove into questions focused on (1) Changing consumer behaviour to healthy and sustainable diets, (2) The food we need to produce and eat for a healthy sustainable diet and (3) Trade for sustainable food systems in a (post) COVID-19 reality.

  • Areas of impact: Science to Policy to Society interfaces; Water, land and food systems transformation.

    Outcome papers for each dialogue: