
Convene Summer Series, Part 7: The Parking Lot

As summer comes to an end, the questions about the first half of 2021 teachings become more challenging and forward-looking. Here's today's input: what do we put in the parking lot, that we have learnt over the past six months and that we sense will serve Convene's purpose and mission in the future?

One takeaway certainly is about the #insights, the #experience and the brilliance of the #people interacting with Convene. Such interactions open the opportunity for us to communicate in a way that creates more traction not just to Convene but to dialogue spaces more widely, so that we can maximize the potential of what we are learning and expand it to others.

A second teaching to place in the parking lot is the concept of #community: coming out of all the dialogue spaces, a community is created that functions as a platform for future action. Over the next six months, it will be important for Convene to develop its role in maintaining, nourishing and growing these communities over time, as part of the work that we do with our partners.


Convene Summer Series, Part 6: The Lightbulb


Convene Summer Series, Part 8: Conclusion