
Convene Summer Series, Part 5

Has the Convene offer changed over the last 6 months?

"The offer changes because the world around us is changing and we need to be able to adapt to that.

Our basic offer, which is about being able to convene deliberate dialogue spaces, that doesn't change. How we do that and who we do that with that's clearly changing.

Through and out of any dialogue space we are now able to document that audio-visually and edit it into videos which are #accessible for a wider group of people to use into different spaces to take the solutions forward.

In the same way, over the last 6 months, we have developed a preparatory virtual conversation so that we are now really engaging with anybody who is coming into the space over the month also beforehand, and they are engaging with each other, getting to know each other. We have a methodology to be able to do that.

Those are clear offers but the overall vision of what we can bring and why we are in that space, I don't think that's shifted."


Convene Summer Series, Part 4


Convene Summer Series, Part 6: The Lightbulb