
Convene Summer Series, Part 4

Convene creates a unique third space... also online! How has Covid impacted our work? What has this constraint taught us about the process of dialogue?

Covid pushed us in a #virtual space to be more creative and more adaptive. It challenged us, especially in terms of achieving #implementation and building #accountability beyond making connections. Creating trust in a virtual space is extremely challenging. There's a sense of trust at the moment but is it trust that actually then endures as soon as you close the lid of your computer?

"We are dealing with real people, we are not just dealing with organizations and institutions. [...] We need to engage with them as real human beings who have emotions, passions, frustrations, distractions - in a virtual space even more.

We need to recognize that working in a virtual space takes twice as much effort for half as much results. And this needs to be acknowledged, otherwise we are doing ourselves an injustice."


Convene Summer Series, Part 3


Convene Summer Series, Part 5