
Convene Summer Series, Part 2

How do we understand the connection between content - the knotty problem we are dealing with - and the method we use to address it?

Transcription of the interview with Amanda Harding:

"Everybody has a different level of content knowledge, confidence and position - how flexible and inflexible they are with the position they take in relation to the challenge and the content itself.

One of the important features of Convene is that it has a grasp of that content: it is not simply a process-driven organisation. We really are saying: we actually have some knowledge and understanding of the content or the problem we are dealing with, and we care about it. I think it is that combination that drives the design of the process. Which is why the process can never be a blueprint every time. It is going to have to shift with what is the challenge we are dealing with, what is the knotty problem, but also who the people around the table are. And Convene is navigating through all of that. Which is why we don't make that clear distinction between content and process."


Coping with COP26: Now What?


Convene Summer Series, Part 3