
Convene Summer Series, Part 3

Overall, how has this semester reshaped, challenged, expanded or consolidated the role and potential of Convene?

Throughout the first half of 2021, Convene and its Conveners have grown more than we expected. According to Amanda Harding, this demonstrates a real appetite for deliberate dialogue, as well as a frustration that #Covid exacerbated, for the need to find solutions.

The experiences and pressures of today's environment are pushing people beyond the fear of the risks and efforts #dialogue entails, to actually try to make it work. Convene presents quite a compelling approach to make all of this happen.

As a result, after these months, we are starting to feel quite robust and solid! At the same time, we hope to maintain the internal #agility we are trying to model as what we think is the way forward to achieve results.


Convene Summer Series, Part 2


Convene Summer Series, Part 4